Artikelen door admin.cees

Boekpresentatie De oorlog ver weg 1949 – 1962

Vrijdag 14 augustus is het Historisch Centrum Overijssel te Zwolle het decor voor de presentatie van ‘De oorlog ver weg 1949-1962’, geschreven door Gerrit ter Haar. De auteur dook in de historie van voormalig Nederlands Indië en geeft een beeld van de gebeurtenissen aan de hand van historische gegevens en boeiende interviews. Ter Haar sprak […]

Mijn rechterhand gevat…

[spb_blank_spacer height=”80px” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] [spb_column col_bg_type=”cover” col_parallax_image_movement=”fixed” col_parallax_image_speed=”0.5″ col_padding=”0″ col_animation=”none” col_animation_delay=”0″ width=”1/4″ el_position=”first”] [/spb_column] [spb_column width=”1/2″ el_position=”last”] [spb_text_block animation=”fadeInDownBig” animation_delay=”0″ padding_vertical=”0″ padding_horizontal=”0″ el_class=”isgc_bgoran isgc_h1m0 isgc_txtwit isgc_pad30″ width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] Mijn rechterhand gevat… Gij hebt, o Heer, mijn rechterhand gevat, en zult mij door Uw raad steeds veilig leiden. O, dit te weten is een […]

Het is volbracht

[spb_blank_spacer height=”80px” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] [spb_column col_bg_type=”cover” col_parallax_image_movement=”fixed” col_parallax_image_speed=”0.5″ col_padding=”0″ col_animation=”none” col_animation_delay=”0″ width=”1/4″ el_position=”first”] [/spb_column] [spb_column width=”1/2″ el_position=”last”] [spb_text_block animation=”fadeInDownBig” animation_delay=”0″ padding_vertical=”0″ padding_horizontal=”0″ el_class=”isgc_bgoran isgc_h1m0 isgc_txtwit isgc_pad30″ width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] Het is volbracht Als je denkt dat niemand jou ziet. Ik zie jou. Als je wordt overspoeld door verdriet. Ik zie jou. Als je last […]

Vrouw van faam

[spb_blank_spacer height=”80px” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] [spb_column col_bg_type=”cover” col_parallax_image_movement=”fixed” col_parallax_image_speed=”0.5″ col_padding=”0″ col_animation=”none” col_animation_delay=”0″ width=”1/4″ el_position=”first”] [/spb_column] [spb_column width=”1/2″ el_position=”last”] [spb_text_block animation=”fadeInDownBig” animation_delay=”0″ padding_vertical=”0″ padding_horizontal=”0″ el_class=”isgc_bgoran isgc_h1m0 isgc_txtwit isgc_pad30″ width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] Vrouw van faam Je hebt jouw roem verworven. Maar hoe lang zal deze nog duren? Jouw innerlijke leegte is voor de wereld verborgen. Gevoelens kun […]

Hartklop van de Herder

[spb_blank_spacer height=”80px” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] [spb_column col_bg_type=”cover” col_parallax_image_movement=”fixed” col_parallax_image_speed=”0.5″ col_padding=”0″ col_animation=”none” col_animation_delay=”0″ width=”1/4″ el_position=”first”] [/spb_column] [spb_column width=”1/2″ el_position=”last”] [spb_text_block animation=”fadeInDownBig” animation_delay=”0″ padding_vertical=”0″ padding_horizontal=”0″ el_class=”isgc_bgoran isgc_h1m0 isgc_txtwit isgc_pad30″ width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] Hartklop van de Herder Hoor je de hartklop van de Herder? Weet, Hij leidt jou verder. Hij voert jou aan rustige wateren en grazige weiden. […]

Mijn banier

[spb_blank_spacer height=”80px” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] [spb_column col_bg_type=”cover” col_parallax_image_movement=”fixed” col_parallax_image_speed=”0.5″ col_padding=”0″ col_animation=”none” col_animation_delay=”0″ width=”1/4″ el_position=”first”] [/spb_column] [spb_column width=”1/2″ el_position=”last”] [spb_text_block animation=”fadeInDownBig” animation_delay=”0″ padding_vertical=”0″ padding_horizontal=”0″ el_class=”isgc_bgoran isgc_h1m0 isgc_txtwit isgc_pad30″ width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] Mijn banier Naar Hooglied Mijn banier over jou is liefde; want jij bent Mijn geliefde. Ik geef jou de bries van Mijn avondwind, want jij […]

De goede herder

[spb_blank_spacer height=”80px” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] [spb_column col_bg_type=”cover” col_parallax_image_movement=”fixed” col_parallax_image_speed=”0.5″ col_padding=”0″ col_animation=”none” col_animation_delay=”0″ width=”1/4″ el_position=”first”] [/spb_column] [spb_column width=”1/2″ el_position=”last”] [spb_text_block animation=”fadeInDownBig” animation_delay=”0″ padding_vertical=”0″ padding_horizontal=”0″ el_class=”isgc_bgoran isgc_h1m0 isgc_txtwit isgc_pad30″ width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] De goede herder Ikzelf zal Mijn schapen leiden. Ze doen neerliggen in grazige weiden. Want Ikzelf, verkwikte hun zielen, toen zij in de strijd vielen. […]

Hof van Gethsémané

[spb_blank_spacer height=”80px” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] [spb_column col_bg_type=”cover” col_parallax_image_movement=”fixed” col_parallax_image_speed=”0.5″ col_padding=”0″ col_animation=”none” col_animation_delay=”0″ width=”1/4″ el_position=”first”] [/spb_column] [spb_column width=”1/2″ el_position=”last”] [spb_text_block animation=”fadeInDownBig” animation_delay=”0″ padding_vertical=”0″ padding_horizontal=”0″ el_class=”isgc_bgoran isgc_h1m0 isgc_txtwit isgc_pad30″ width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] Hof van Gethsémané In jouw Hof van Gethsémané, loop Ik met je mee. Mijn kind, Ik ben daar ook geweest, Ik was bevreesder dan bevreesd. […]

The King of the cross

[spb_blank_spacer height=”80px” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] [spb_column col_bg_type=”cover” col_parallax_image_movement=”fixed” col_parallax_image_speed=”0.5″ col_padding=”0″ col_animation=”none” col_animation_delay=”0″ width=”1/4″ el_position=”first”] [/spb_column] [spb_column width=”1/2″ el_position=”last”] [spb_text_block animation=”fadeInDownBig” animation_delay=”0″ padding_vertical=”0″ padding_horizontal=”0″ el_class=”isgc_bgoran isgc_h1m0 isgc_txtwit isgc_pad30″ width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] The King of the cross Come to the King of the Cross. He knows of your loss. He wants to dry your tears. He wants […]

Vlucht naar Mij

[spb_blank_spacer height=”80px” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] [spb_column col_bg_type=”cover” col_parallax_image_movement=”fixed” col_parallax_image_speed=”0.5″ col_padding=”0″ col_animation=”none” col_animation_delay=”0″ width=”1/4″ el_position=”first”] [/spb_column] [spb_column width=”1/2″ el_position=”last”] [spb_text_block animation=”fadeInDownBig” animation_delay=”0″ padding_vertical=”0″ padding_horizontal=”0″ el_class=”isgc_bgoran isgc_h1m0 isgc_txtwit isgc_pad30″ width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] Vlucht naar Mij Mijn zoon, Ik heb jouw worsteling gezien. Al dacht je dat niemand het zag misschien. Maar Ik ben overal bij. En als […]